NHL 15 Basic Controls
Offensive Controls:
Defensive Controls:
Offensive Controls:
Defensive Controls:
NHL 15 Advanced Controls
Offensive Controls:
Click in and Hold Left Stick: Hustle
Release Left Stick: Glide
Point Left Stick 45 Degrees to Left or Right During Glide: Explosive Cut
Point Left Stick Back 45 Degrees to Left or Right During Glide: Cut Back
Tap LT: Spin
Click in Right Stick: Fake Shot/Pass with Leg Kick
Hold RB and Right Stick Up: Dump Puck in the Air
Pull Back Right Stick and Hold RB then Push Up Right Stick: Dump Puck on Ice
Release Left Stick and Tap RB: Drop Pass
Pull Back Right Stick and Tap RT: Slap Pass
Defensive Controls:
Hold RB: Sweep Stick Automatically
Hold RB + Right Stick: Sweep Stick Manually
Hold RB + Right Stick: Chop Puck (When Near Loose Puck)
LB + RB: Dive Block
Click and Hold Right Stick: Hip Check
LB + A: Manual Goalie
LB + Back: Pull Goalie
Goalie Controls:
Hold LT: Butterfly
Hold RT: Hug post
Y: Cover puck
Hold A: Free skate
Left Stick: Basic movement
LB + Left Stick: Precision movement
Right Stick Left or Right: Anticipation glove/blocker
Right Stick Up: Poke check
RB + Right Stick: Desperation save
RB + Right Stick Left or Right: Stack pads
RB + Right Stick Down: Spread pads V save
RB + Right Stick Up: Lunging horizontal poke check
LT: Leave puck (when in possession)
Right Stick Left or Right: Goalie roll over (From side and only when in Stack Pads)
RT: Pass puck
Click in Right Stick: Goalie shove
LB + A: Switch to skater
It’s a good post.
Thank you it was excellent. Ice Hockey is my favorite sport and EA always does a great job with the NHL games. Sometimes though its people like you that make the game more fun to play cause of the moves that you explain how to perform ie. the puck chop. I hope there are more videos on NHL 14 moves. Thanks Again.
First of all! This site is fascinating! I am just reading and reading the content…. I am a beginner, and I would like to learn and improve my game.
Just one request: is it possible to have some kind of summary/explanation about the basic terminologies (such as vision control and othet things), a beginner like me maybe not really familar with these concepts. 🙂
That sounds like a great idea, could you list the terms you believe beginners would have trouble with? I will create a new section called “Terminology” in basic guides and define each of them.
I would love to 🙂 the problem is, that I am still far from reading the whole content 🙂
May be there should be some core terminology for the game and the rest can work on a request basis 🙂
Sounds good to me. My e-mail is Every time you come to a term that you would like to see defined, send it over. Once I have 10 terms, I’ll create the section and then you can continue to send in terms and I’ll continue to expand it.
Your prompt reply is really appreciated! I am looking forward to read more and learn more and contact more 🙂
I’m here to help. If you have any further questions, I would recommend asking them in the forum. You’ll receive a much more comprehensive response from a lot of smart and talented people.
I have just lost my self confidence completely. After being level 3 for some minutes, finally I lost all my points, my stat is a disaster, and have no clue how to move forward…. I am fed up with this, not able to score, even not able t get out from my D zone 🙁
Take a break for awhile. Come back again when you’ve read through a bunch of the guides on the site and memorized the content. Review scoring and skating. Those two are vital to improving your game. When you feel you’re ready, come back with a vengeance.
Thanks for your nice words, but I tend to simply give it up… It is just not my game, that is all. Everyone can easily beat me, it is a fact, even not able to score in free skate… Thanks everything!
What are the buttons for one touch decking?
Please help, How do I play goalie when someone is on a breakaway in nhl 14. Like when someone breaks the defence.
Hold LB and then press A. Or if on PS3, hold L1 and then press X. Hope that helps 🙂
hi im new to nhl so i am using hybrid controlls and was wondering can i still do everything the same as slick stick because the manual doesn’t tell me much hope you understand what i mean?
How do you cancel a pass ??
When you hold the trigger for a pass, than you change your mind…we used to be able to cancel by pressing L1 in 2013
A description of the terms and modes would be helpful. I am new to EA Sports NHL. The lack of instructions and definitions is a huge frustration. I get the feeling that the makers of the game don\’t care if new people understand the different modes, features and functions or if they can ever even figure it out. The game itself has a big learning curve and you shouldn\’t have to hunt down a 3rd party tutorial every time you want to do something new. What are the pucks I\’m earning for? What happens if I redeem them? How do I use a player that I\’ve created in season mode? What does \”flash the pad\” mean? Where can I find a real description of the different views (home up, prefer up, etc) and functions? Is there a complete manual somewhere?
Can you please also put up the Hybrid controls layout for NHL 15
How about taunts in nhl15 how u do that ( four different)?
[…] searching online, I came across this amazing site that might help me through this train wreck. The site is a complete guide for NHL 14 and 15! I struggled with what to pick for the beginning when it […]
This place rocks good job